Ya no los Perdidos No longer the Lost

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Book Shelf Tour part 1

Made this video on June 25th.  I'll be making part two sometime tonight or tomorrow.

Book Review: Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz

Fallen Angel Vampires that are in danger of being killed by other Fallen Angel Vampires. Yup, it's that intense .

Book Review: Once Dead, Twice Shy by Kim Harrison

Really good book;

Book Review: The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong

I like the fact that I'm so easily distracted. o.o


2012 June/July Book Haul

:D it's been forever .


So much for posting a new Vlog everyday lol. Oops. I just need to start filming like 20 book reviews like right now. Lol. Yep, that'll work.