Ya no los Perdidos No longer the Lost

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I want to be healthier. I'm not afraid to say I'm no size 00 jeans but I am a size 5. That may not seem "un-Healthy" but i still wanna be fit! I want to get all toned and what not...This should be interesting.
Things to Balance:
-School work
-Writing Institute work
-Book writing(And other Publisher stuff that may come up)
-Working out
-Friend drama
-TV shows(Vampire Diaries, Secret Circle, Pretty little liars, Lying Game, and Being Human)

This will be fun(:


  1. What a coincidence, I only just finished my blog on work/life balance; must be something in the blogosphere. I love that you're so optimistic about these goals whereas I pretty much just had a big ol' whinge... lol

    1. Haha! Yes there must be something going on in blogsphere. Oh, and I'm human so of course I have my lazy days(most of my days actually) and dont really care about anything! lol. but i do try to keep an optimistic look on everything whenever i get stressed(: it helps prevent pimples and makes me feel better.

    2. That could explain my constant skin issues :P
      And optimism is something I only allow myself in small doses lol
